"Yurlugu gankalarda ngaliguru thardugu marnu,
murnajirla yurlul gankalarda ngaligurugu marnu"

Banjima Culture and History
On 11th March 2014, the Federal Court recognised the native title rights of the Banjima People at their on-country determination held in Karijini National Park in the Central Pilbara.
The Banjima People first lodged their native title claim in 1998. They entered litigation with the WA State Government in 2011 after being unable to move forward with a negotiated outcome.
This means that the State Government and other respondents listed in the determination objected to Banjima’s claim for recognition. Witness statements were made by Banjima claimants to testify to their continuous connection to Country.

The Native Title land of Banjima people is located in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia which covers more than 1 million hectares of land
The Banjima People continue to have a strong bond to this mineral rich landscape and the unique places within it — including the Fortescue Marsh and Karijini National Park.
To Banjima People, all Banjima Country and its elements are important: the animals and plants; the landscape; the water; and the connection to culture. All these have great cultural and spiritual importance, and Banjima people have stories about many of these that help their conservation and understanding.